Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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That, good sir, is a breach in daring etiquette! One must go through a dare, a double dare, a double dog dare, a triple dare, and then, one may move onto the triple dog dare :l.

yesyesyesyes, I know it's a severe breach of protocol......

\/the many stages of a proper dare lol your generation was the one who made all those rules steve!!

Wasn't my generation, twas my parents generation.

\/the many stages of a proper dare lol your generation was the one who made all those rules steve!!

Besides, they blew their chance at helping the future of this world/country.... leaving it to the boomer generation (my bro and sis), and they fucked it up by worrying about public, moral issues, instead of the rusty corrupt gears that feed and direct us as a whole.

So then it was my dad's generation?
(since hes turning 60 this year....so hes 19 years older than you)

They had a (reasonably) good chance at making the country better, but to be fair, many of the problems back then weren't as glaringly apparent, like they have been recently.

Corruption and national greed, the very reasons behind our war in Vietnam, should have been the focus, not the actual war itself.. Nah, them hippies dropped the brass ring alright.

your dads 60? e.O my dads like 45!

my pop was 80 last year......

Yep ._. he was born in 1953 and my mom was born in 1964. So theres an 11 year difference between them.

My dad JUST missed being called up to go to Vietnam ._.

My Pop almost had to go to Korea ._.

My grandpa (on my mom's side) had to go to Korea ._.

Hmm, and what was it all for I wonder... they called it the 'forgotten war'
Russia made China get involved with that war, leading to the armistice and 2 Koreas

Anyway, I gotta get cleaned up and blow my last few bucks on cat and Stevie food :\
no good sales this week of course....
though I'm still checking :\

Yeah....and now we have Korea being run by another crazy person who wants to blow up the states.
Even though they probably wouldn't even be able to do anything even if they were like....Greenland close to us. (sorry my brain didn't want to work so I had a hard time getting my words together ._.)

What IS Stevie food? o.O

Ah, they've had it in for us since the 50's, but they truly are a gangsta state

Meat, potatoes... The usual: fat, sugar, salt

Yeah you're right about that....though they've gotten worse with all that stuff in the past decade or two.

Ah. Okay.

Sure seems that way.

Seems like every time I go, its 100$ even ._.
got a huge honkin' box o donuts tho 1/2 price... I got the heaviest box :3
but forgot the milk and eggs.... or did I?

My dad's 70, mom 69, I'm 23, sister 32, brother 41, answer 42. On comment topic...

On post topic: I just watched Gangster Squad. It was lies, then gunfire, then smiles and sirens. I did read Drudge Report a few years back, but most topics don't seem to hold much international concern. it doesn't seem to have changed at all the last... 5 years or so though. Still the same supremely simple low-bandwidth layout and courier font as last time I saw it!

Spacing out the kid production like that is rather rare, but I remember a few families in school like that. Actually makes financial sense too.

Huh, never saw Gangster Squad... ah, just came out this year, huh? Good cast! Actually my quote comes from Stephen King's 'The Dark Tower' series of books (7.. no, it's 8 books as of last year..) I read the original 7 books, and listened to all 8 a few times.

Drudge isn't as global as it could be, but as you may have gleaned, things in the US are falling apart. Individual states are assuming leadership, due to an increasingly belligerent and inept Federal gov't. It's just a news aggregation site, but it sure beats the piss out of American TV, radio and regional newspapers, which glaringly support whatever madness DC and corporate America agree on.

Wanna hear an 11 hour long song?
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrmBnN7aQ9s">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PrmBnN7aQ9s</a>

I haven't had donuts in awhile ._.

Are you f-in kidding me? I gotta go outside and undo my Pop's cess pit :\ Sounds bassy - I leave it on while I roll smokes O-o

Eh, I had one last night with lemon filling... way too tasteless and the sugar didn't help me sleep any better. Had a choco filled one that was okay, but same prob again: very light flavor.. oh well, the box was about 3 pounds...... th' fuck, can't this guy play any faster, pussycat, faster? Oh, Napalm Death story? :\ no time fo YouTube suggestions

Well have fun with it xD Its Drone Doom so its really....really.....minimalistic and repetitive.

I've never had a donut with lemon in it ._.
Then again I haven't had really any filled donuts either....

Well its Drone Doom. They always play slow....also to the side on mine it has The World's Shortest Album. Its filled with songs that are like 6 seconds long xD

Ooh, tired and swimmy as fuck just now, and it's hot out... supposed to get up to 90 this week. Yeah, sure seems that way (the song)..

I'll spilt them up soon, give the lady next door the cinnamon buns, few others.

Sounds kinda gimmicky, but some short guitar bursts are always cool

Don't wanna go :(

It got up to like 74 yesterday. Which is surprising considering it was REALLY fucking cold last week.

I haven't had a cinnamon bun in awhile too....like since I was still in high school awhile ._.

Yeah....also the band only released 10 physical copies of the album. And they are in a USB thats inside a small 3D skull.

80 outside today, as well as the loft where I operate this computer thing.

I have a strong disdain for cinnamon buns, long story

Yeah, I figured it wuddunt gonna be a real album... or 4. Neat idea about the usb tho

Indeed, I only know one other person my age with parents the same age. Most parents parents are like my parents agewise, haha. Yeah, I suppose it is financially sensible... though the age gaps weren't particularly planned out. It worked well though, everyone with room to move out at their own pace, and older siblings looking out for the young ones, err... me.

Yupp, it's new. Reminds a bit of The Untouchables from a few years back. Good movies. I haven't read those but anything with Stephen King behind the pen's got to be good...

I took the NWOs advice to heart first time I heard it: don't believe the hype! I didn't know about the US states VS government dilemma, but pretty much the whole world seems to be falling apart. There are a few Swedish Druge Report-ish alternatives I do follow. Wouldn't be much use linkint to those on NG though. :)

The problem with being the baby of older parents: You grow up behind the times, since your parents use older words, older ways and morals... was hard for me up until HS. By then I stopped caring and was then mostly accepted.

Actually The Dark Tower series isn't just about the 8 books, but a great deal of his books (about a third or so). Guess it's complicated, but the Untouchables is somewhat relevant...

A lot of evidence about the NWO, suggests http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roth schild_family is at the heart of it, as well as most other international banking institutions.

I grew up before the end of Cold War, I guess I didn't get to feel the pains that everyone else did. The only thing I knew was my older family took part in WWII, both my mom and dad served in German military. It feels kinda weird to speak to a lot of people who had heroes & vets fought in that war, and when ours being the opposite side. It`s even weirder when being fought along side with Americans in Afghan.

Anyway, any favorite movies this year?

A lot of my fathers family members went missing during WWII, mostly after the Russians moved West. My moms family has always been in the military, going back to Civil War.
Governments make war, people usually don't. I have no animosity towards any nationality.

Heh, haven't seen many new movies, but I saw Prometheus and wish I hadn't. Killer Elite with Jason Stratham was quite good, as are most of his flicks :)

I haven't been outside since this morning D:
And that was like 11 1/2 hours ago....

I dont even remember if I like them or not ._.

Well The Flaming Lips have a song out thats 24 hours long. Its called 7 Skies H3.
Though if you look it up on YouTube or something there aren't any videos of the full song. Just the song split up into 4 pieces.

:\ Tractor ran outta gas right at the end of the driveway, got gas, battery was dead, fired up lawnmower, jumped tractor, battery dies again.... outside sucks

I think the last audiobook I got was about 24 hours, or 24 mp3s of 24 cds, which are usually under an hour apiece...... cool story bro.

I dont know if our tractor's battery is dead or not ._.

I haven't listened to an audio book....

I feel like recording a long drone song .-.

Got jumpers?

What was the last paper book you read?


Why is it that whenever I go out and try recording a Drone song it always ends up "Doomy" sounding?

Well first, you don't go out anywhere to record (you stay home), second, you're better than that!
It seems to me, Drone was created by indie-fringe-metal heads, who made something even more boring, because they knew a collector out there was gonna buy it... and with no overhead, it's all profit!


Yeah. But the tractor is completely covered in weeds and stuff like that and no one wants to clear it off. Seriously you can hardly see any part of the tractor now....

Noooooooooo idea.....

Well I have nowhere TO go out and record stuff other than here at my house. I can't afford to go to a studio or something and have anything recorded there, and I don't have any "fancy equipment" to make anything I record sound any better nor can I afford to get anything like that ._.

So how does your lawn get cut? The town doesn't give you shit for an unmowed lawn?
...watch for underground bug nests :|

Oh, taker 'er easy man, just busting chops. I live so close to a major road, I can't even dedicate a room to recording. Oddly enough, there's a recording/student musician place right up the road that's like right on the road..... dunno how they do it.

A lawnmower? The tractor is at my grandma's house along with all of our old cars. And thats technically outside the city limits so no one really goes out there.

I'm not all that close to a major road. Though I guess the closest "major road" would be Interstate 80.
But theres a big open space of farmland, an entire town, then another big open space of farmland in between here and there. I also have train tracks right next to my house so thats a big problem xD

(Oh and I hit 4,800 posts last night :3 more than likely going to pass 5,000 before the end of the month too)

Oh... surprised there's even a real tractor in your family! Most folks automatically think a lawnmower is a tractor.... Do you wear an explosive neck collar? Not allowed outside city limits? I do hope someone visits gramma at least! If you lived on the East coast, all that stuff would be a pile of rust about now (you lucky dog).

Yeah, train noise sucks... I'm 3 miles away from them and can still hear them, hauling ammo and bunker building materials.

My next post will be #420 O_o Well you'll certainly be in contention for this year's bbs awards!

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