So you're saying a show is good because other people say so. What kind of argument is that lol
Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism
Age 52, Male/Penis
dillgent tryhard
homeless/NE USA
Joined on 2/15/01
So you're saying a show is good because other people say so. What kind of argument is that lol
on the anime fandom website thing
you're just saying that cuz narutos ratings higher!
im okay with naruto
ive watched it from the beginning til a bit after shippuden started
and i still prefer dbz. thats not going to change because some site thinks naruto is better
hell they could rate naruto 10 and dbz 0 and id still like dbz more.
aside from nerdy anime arguments...........where is steve?
i have no idea....
No no no no no I want you to tell me you think naruto is better because other people told you so xD
then again my love for dbz comes from the fact that i watched it ever since i was a kid and it was the first anime i ever watched
it in turn introduced me to other animes that i still watch
i WILL admit its not the best anime ever but its still good
not really ._. the main reason is because dbz draws stupid and the animation sucks too! i actually watched a good amount of both of them and i like naruto better because 1) ninjas 2) better drawing 3) better animation 4) better story -_-
Though I disagree with what you say l: I would defend to the death your right to say it :l
and respect for that
dude dbz is fucking 23 years old
of course the animation isn't going to be that good!
but lets just quit arguing about this because in the end no ones going to win ._.
mangas been around for a long time now they couldve gotten some decent artist instead of some unintellegent (i really cant say anything about smartness) ducks to draw their shit!
oh we were stopping ._. my bad! :D
so my friend is online now :D
and im getting to talk to her now :3
yay for me xD
I spent the past hour and a half composing a new post, which I don't have to mail to you!
...or email, for that matter O__o
Just finished it while the reception was spotty :(
Guess I'll be over there for an hour or so n call it a night.
ah so you have a new post up
i will go to that now
blah 1800 :P
rating where?