Lol and if I was pregnant of course it would be mine XD
Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism
Age 52, Male/Penis
dillgent tryhard
homeless/NE USA
Joined on 2/15/01
Lol and if I was pregnant of course it would be mine XD
she was also puking blood and had to go to the hospital...
took ya long enough xD
@.@ pregnancy sounds just beautiful *stops eating food*
i...guess? haha
on a side note
i wish my newish friendish person was online ._.
damitrin don't say anything ._.
>.> suspicious gonna go find out
gonna find out what? o.O
The newish friendish person lol but I'm too lazy
its his little lady friend from facebook....and i wasnt pukin blood cuz i was pregnant ._.
well damitrin already said it....
shes not a "lady friend" per se ._.
...and she just poked me on facebook ._.
Oh I saw that in the comments lol
That reminds me.....I haven't gone on FB in like forever time to check everyone's status ._.
My friends get pissed off when I do that XD
i havent gone to facebook in forever either..........haha cuz i dont have one xD
Hah. I've literally never been on facebook :|
Was forced into having it now they want me to get twitter too o.e
Ah. Forgot the pass lol
i dont
talk to people, like anything, poke anyone, or chat with anyone on there
lately the only reason i was on there was because i befriended that as damitrin called her "lady friend" of mine and then we only talk on chat sometimes....she hasn't been on there for 2 days....
ive never been on twitter. dont want to be on twitter.
ive also never been on myspace. dont care for myspace....
I am on newgrounds too lol
this <a href=",r:3,s:0,i:147"> =en&biw=1366&bih=674&tbm=isch&
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r:3,s:0,i:147</a> plus this <a href=""> ctures--2973.asp</a> equals this <a href=",r:1,s:0,i:78"> ombrero&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=13 66&bih=674&tbm=isch&tbnid=LWU9Enza dCQZiM:&imgrefurl=http://www.allfreevector &docid=RnM1CMQ0amLcLM&imgurl=http://ww
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yeah but this all happened before she moved to like may ._.