2001 subaru wrx ._.
Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism
Age 52, Male/Penis
dillgent tryhard
homeless/NE USA
Joined on 2/15/01
2001 subaru wrx ._.
hmmm sound like car a kid would over rev and burn out
auto or stick?
500 and its a solid deal l:
you go dude!
been watching pawn shop or did you learn another way?
well...i only have $850 ._.
and im saving up more of my money...
Havent had that much scratch since a tax return 5 6 years ago....
nah, get something local and cheap to run
too bad they dont make the civic like they used to in the early 80's
the cvcc in the 70's looked like a death trap
fuck that
i shift more economically than a 70 pound auto transmission
and subarus have THE best ratios.... ok, so the subaru's tranny is okay, but no one elses
I am offended by 1500.
id have offered 200, in case it dont work, you can get scrap value :P
well 500 is a total offence to me! that cant get you a glass blowing studio!! or money to learn!!
learn glass blowing i mean ._.
Here I am, offering to overpay for an '01 subaru-- 500 pieces of green aint nothing --and you're telling me 1500 is the best that can be done?
they do have a good resale value, so by principle itd have to be just over a grand, really
'pends on the condition!! drive it up to nick for a test drive!
pfft why plug up a yellow jacket nest when you can use a bottle of Windex and a lighter?
im saving up so i can have a bunch of money and possibly buy some guitar related stuff. ya know like effect pedals and stuff like that. i mostly want a flanger and or a phaser. maybe a chorus pedal.
im indifferent .-.
yet again i have $850 ._.
well...i can only drive auto and i dont think i want to learn to drive manual with my sister's car...it would cost a ton to get it fixed if i accidentally fuck something up....
ammonia dont light, but it would gag em for a little while
i dont wanna set my old house on fire!!!
dude, learn. find a park or a parking lot... or 'borrow' a mower that has stick shift
you want the car or not!?!? (if not i'll be fine cuz i've been begging! :D)
dunno if id ever buy a 2 dr sports car tho
id love a maxima or altima, but they dont make em in RWD anymore, the spaztastic nanny geeks with a thousand pimples
500 or no deal.
dude its a wrx.... look it up; you prolly make some money on the deal!!
It's being sold for a reason l:
shit i know that, but since she wont fess up , its like the hot air in my room - annoying and useless :P
tho some richer folk do sell cars for dumb reasons like a bit of dog sick in the back seat or a side crumple
or in my maximas case, tobacco spit on the velour, and rotten apples and glass in the trunk side walls
that car was so worth 400$
well it was the first thing that came to mind ._.
then how about...a can of body spray and a lighter...
i dont use riding lawnmowers when or if i mow. i use a push mower.
i looked that Subaru up...its okay looking ._.
yep that do it (small bug hole though?)
we used to use lysol, it stuck well and had a nice blue green flame
lol that sight i told you guys about earlier...
Im making so many new friends as Im talkin to them with my mask.
Sorry Dami! My mask is still useful! :D
i like talking to internet strangers, tho i wish i was using a regular keyboard and not some hand microwaving laptop :P
im selling it cuz i dont want it.......dont need it either not because theres something wrong with it its actualy perfectly fine!
Then durr get 2200 for it but ask 2500 - look for a popular newspaper or just sell it to a dealer, or ask at least. You're home all the time, put it out front with a few numbers....
yay my internet is working again :D
wait...what did you tell us earlier? o.O
well im good with the Lark and the Ranchero ._.
mines almost dead, so i better wrap this up :(
:| you're quite the saleswoman dami
i will seriouly feed myself to crows if i ever become a saleswoman -_-
this statement is proof of having an actual soul
here is my hand. here is my spout ._.
adhesive putty is pretty awesome....
ha, yeah, seniors made the freshman sing it and pose as well, to use the smoking lounge (got banned by the state a year later, teh bums....) I asked them should I sing it as well. they said I was unpretentious and cool. and i was :3
i stumped her
what color and application? got lots of the black tarry stuff for auto use... used some to plug a yellowjacket nest in the porch next door