Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

Exp Points:
27,276 / 27,750
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
9.09 votes
Audio Scouts
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
9y 12d

i didn't feel like sitting here listing off all the nicks i know...

but none of those "douche bag #" ones are the nick here ._.

so i had the following dialog with one of the dogs here

"Would you care...if i took this can of cola and shoved it down his *pointing at my brother* throat? Then you could eat him for a snack when he dies. Granted you'd have to eat at him for a few months considering how much mass there is on him. I mean look at him he looks like a dwarf planet! Hes like...the equivalent of pluto, but not covered in ice or like 50 bajillion miles out in space. even though sometimes i wish he were."

then my brother told me to shut up so i walked away and came back into my room ._.

well since people keep showing up then going away i'll go back to playing Dragonball Z Burst Limit ._.

I'ma go quest for snacks.

twil but a glorious quest
across space and time ._.

almost done listening to one called "The Wind through the keyhole"

hi steve
so you're listening to Stephen King at the moment?

No I thought Id see if the net worked before midnight and it did, so Im cramming in voting and got a side game loaded
and yea its a King novel, the of the dark tower series... 4.5 of 7 fat novels, but its kick ass; my 2nd listening

ah i forgot to vote...crap....
did you do the monthly voting thing?

and i need to read more stuff by him ._.
the only book i have by him at the moment is Christine....

yup, was going to remind you, but you saw the post and commented yourself
at least tom admits the past two months have been pissed away on staff personal things

not surprised you got that book; never read it myself or if i did it was in little peeps in the upstairs loft of the library..... shoulda stole that misspelled book (I even corrected in pencil -way to point out a fortune!!!)! worth a couple of grand now - no way its still there.
the book was salems lot one of his earlier books

Managed to find some crackers in this wasteland :l

i would not eat crackers i found in the wasteland or 'drawers' if were still speaking of king's invented slang
dude, which i could send nachos, but all i have is extra sharp cheese
plenty of maters for salsa tho

yeah i did the voting as soon as i was able to ._.

its a good book. and someone i know has and continues to buy all the books stephen king writes. they're all on a book shelf in some random place in his house....

crackers are good ._.
what kind are they? saltines?

rly? probably not so random a place i think (wot)

tomorrow i level up :3
i go from having fucking awesome skull scimitar to having a weird....axe thingy...
the one next to the skull scimitar \/
<a href="http://cssimg.ngfiles.com/icons/stats/levelNUMS.png">http://cssimg.ngfiles.com/icons/stats/levelNUM S.png</a>

yeah ._.
well i think its a random place....i was in the person's house and they're upstairs and in a corner near the person i know's room

:3 I leveled up on the 1st of this month... bone axe? I'm glad most of the stuff at least looks better as you go along
oh no, it's a pole axe, still quite rad

just giving out pats on the back, something i rarely got in my ivory tower works

Id be wary of that corner.... king has a view of the world that gets thin in spots... I do too, but I see it different maybe, only only after i wake up

beardedninja levels up in 8 days :3
it becomes a level 10
im not stopping til i get the freaking shark with the freaking laser on its freaking head! O:

i didn't get really that much of a chance to go and check em out to see what all he had but theres quite a few books on that book shelf...

oh and i got a PM from someone thanking me for helping them out with voting and junk on here since they asked about b/p points in the Where Is/How To forum

cool about the pm - i rarely get any thank yous

hey quick question
do you know what the icon for level 45 is? (its the one to the left of the shark)

think its the ball from... phantasm? ... has a creepy old tall guy with a bald headtop and long hair dressed in black - talks creepy too
the silvery ball had all kinds a weapons and blenders protruding from it, when it wasnt floating around weaponless

da fuck... another fan?
wish i could rename the tag as 'stalkers' instead of 'fanatics'
stalkers sound way more laid back

pfft i hardly get any PMs at all....

oh hey you're right it is from that!
haven't seen that movie in ages....granted ive only watched the first one

hmm, mightve been nightraid, just left a word with him too

i watched a few but dont remember them well - too creepy and bloody.

im gonna jet now for a while. MAY be back on later, it;s just so hot up here now, i want to check the fields for deer, but first check the weather. i sprayed the last of the stinkums and blasted the radio in a stainless steel can to keep the deer away, but i wanna check the middle field, which in unprotected

sry to bail but my hands and head are hot :P

i dropped by to tell you my dogs name is now robertisimo
thats all! :D imma go fuck with colors and paper...dont die on me! :D bye :3


yeah more than likely him....im catching up with you though with fans!!!! O:<

yeah they are a bit bloody...kinda why i didn't watch Puppet Master all that much as a kid xD

aw...see ya later dude :/
looks like i'll be here...playing Dragonball Z Burst Limit and checking to see if anyone is here.....

Robertisimo!! O:
thats an interesting name....

oh i will die! you can't make me...not die ._.

well im going to bed now ._.
goodnight everybody......

k man nite

It finally took viper awhile to post.
Man, gotta work for popularity.

Oh, post here you mean.... thought you meant he made a new post!
Viper posts constantly in the BBS, here and in the Metal Hell thread, also in the BBS - he's out there :3

hello ._.
im here...no one else is going to be here for awhile though....so i'll just stick around and wait for someone else to show up. and just because im not saying anything doesn't mean im not here.

I guess I'll be around, but I got a lot of stuff to do before the old man gets back from dialysis. I usually don;t call anyone while he's home, 'cause there's no portable landline phone that works, and he loves to sit near the phone :P That and all the rotting unwanted tomatoes in the field near the house... gonna try and pick cherry tomatoes and cucumbers... still have plenty of pickle jiuce around, so why let em rot?
Real life sucks, but must be dealt with... also have to walk to store for massively overpriced and underweight cigarettes (8$ a pack for prerolled and 2$ for a pack and a half of pipe tobacco... what a waste!!)

pfft im not making a new news post for awhile
nothing interesting has happened to me that would warrant me making a new post

have fun with your tomatoes and cucumbers i guess ._.
never been a fan of either......but they're okay i suppose

Ffff - I didn;t pick what's to be grown, but I gotta deal with it, since the old man can;t bend over... thank God I can now; 's why I ain;t going to the back breaker these past three weeks since the steroid procedure. Just need the money!!
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