Wanted to be a simple man of the Earth, enjoying art and literature, the bounty of the Earth. Instead, I have to fend against governments and principalities, global conspiracies and bad social engineering, ree, my autism

Age 52, Male/Penis

dillgent tryhard


homeless/NE USA

Joined on 2/15/01

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pfft durthduhdurr u cant read minds without having multiple jars of toes bro!

where did learn how to do that?
obviously i can't read minds, 'cause viper's in it for the vibes man....

you guys wouldnt like the songs i like mainstream stuff because hating mainstream is just SOOO FUCKING MAINSTREAM! -_-

so no beatles rolling stones doors or ... van halen (early)?

Pffffhahahaha. Play verse chorus verse to get laid. Good one.
The kind of guitar playing that gets you laid is "G Major! G Major again! It's happy sounding! And now it's A Minor... It's a little bit sad now! A Minor... And now to D minor :l... It's even sadder now :l... And back to G!"

for my part, im just writing this up as a brain fart... from an old fart

i was playing it a tad off but THIS is the song!!!!
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34BXwlOmUjE">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34BXwlOmUjE</a>

if i dont get laid because of my guitar playing id be fine with that :P
the reason i cover songs is because i appreciate the bands i listen to
and i like knowing that i can play songs that i LOVE by them along with the recording because it gives me hope that (even though its NEVER going to happen because my guitar playing is utter shit) that i can get at least ONE band together and have it so we can record an album or two together and inspire more people to want to make their own music so they can appreciate a talent that they at first didn't know they had
THAT is why i do what i do
do i care if i "make it big"? no
i just want to go out and make music that people can enjoy like the music that I enjoy :)

that was done in the 70's right? too young to get into that at the time.... and there wernt many music stores around... parents had to drive us to the mall O__o and they werent noted for diversity... didn't know about wsou till HS

Yeah, I hear ya. Plus it's plenty good practice. Sometimes I forget you're still not old enough to drink, and I forgot what it meant to have the sanctuary of music since I had to move in w/ pop the pooper of narrow mindedness

nada -_-

oh well. we still like you though :3
i like some screamo, just never found a song or band that i clicked with yet....
maybe you're too hardcore for this group :P *death growl*

wellnot all of them are mainstream because screamo is pretty anti-maintream :P

not on the radio station i listen to! I just can't or don;t have time to put the radio on anymore, and these two give me so many links.... check out Otep Ascension sometime - she doesn't scream all the time, but it's definitely a borderline category
"roaches and cigarettes, im sick of hungry dishes
flies in the after-birth, im missing you when youre tilling.
loving you is nothing new, its self mutilation
i crave the pain and im so ashamed but i like the stimulation" -- Home Grown
(then it's screamy and pissed off)

um...no its not ._.
that albums from 2010...

yeah...and im considering not drinking all that much anyways now ._.
maybe at the absolute most once in awhile but nothing more that that...

...dude a HUGE chunk of the stuff i listen to isn't "mainstream" -_-
how often do you see people walking around wearing Red Fang or Electric Wizard or Sleep or Bongzilla or The Sword or High On Fire stuff or talking about any of those bands? i guarantee if you go into a group of people and mention those bands not a single person will have ever heard of any of them

Pffff - it sounds too much like the earliest metal! It's really neat bands like that can pluck a time and a genre and just roll with it!

is that why you dont have a gf or a wife? no one you "clicked" with? :3
theres no sch thing as "too hardcore"

There were a few clickers (2), but they got away.... fate a bitch, man :(
The real hardcore folks are dead -_- if you stuck around the town you went to HS in, you'd see it in the free paper at least twice a year for a few years.
I had friends (and 2 GF's) that either bit cops, got locked up and otherwise disappeared, or died in auto / drug accidents and suicide.
[one gf bit a cop the other suicided long after we went out]

All that's a long time ago, before Bush ruined the beginning of this century :<

You've obviously never heard the atonal side of music, Dami.

At first......
I think you're onto something!!

yeah i know :D
seriously dude CHECK OUT THIS ALBUM!
you will more than likely like the album!

sometimes...i think im too hardcore ._.
then i look in a mirror and im like "NAAAAAAH"

yep ._.

too slow :P
I need mild screaming and pent up rage to soothe me (like the trucker chick in cowboy bebop)

my ex loves red fang ._.
some mainstream bands have like one or two good songs

Yeah, well that's better than nothing, former artist person
These guys have already covered those bases (mainstream stuff) in countless pages, countless pages ago.... now they're covering the esoteric :\ which, if played, would hone their craft

listen to it
trust me. i know what im doing ._.

AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCKING CREEPINESS AGAIN!!!!! GOD DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i have a lot less freedom than you guys to do what I want, so I just gave up on music. When i listen, i like to listen at a good volume so i can hear everything and for an hour or so..... ant do that with a senior citizen at home and when he leaves, I have to clean the shit around his shit, so when he dies, us surviving kids can get this place cleaned up and sold

atonal side of music! thats different for everyone boiyee

is it?
so what's up tomorrow?

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApA3Z5KfOPo&feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=PL81F816946C64CFFD">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ApA3Z5KfOPo&amp ;feature=results_main&playnext=1&list=
trust me im a doctor ._.
a doctor of music...that people think they might not 100% like then when i get them to sit down and listen to the band for a bit they start to like it
its a very long job title...imagine what my business cards look like!

When it comes down to it, it isn't really xD True atonality will make anyone's brain hurt, it's just genetics.

nick...NICK FOR THE LOVE OF GOD (decent song by the way) GET THE HELL AWAY FROM BALTIMORE!!!!!
<a href="http://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/some-guy-in-baltimore-ate-another-guys-brain-and">http://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/some-guy-in-bal timore-ate-another-guys-brain-and</a>

Eh. Crazier shit has happened in Baltimore. You know, if you walk around in some neighborhoods there without strong shoes, heroin needles will pierce your feet?

the closest town to me was like that in the late 80's early 90's... but yea baltimore got real bad

no no everyone hates different things (notice how i said hates instead of loves :3)

some guy was mailing body parts in canadia...

Everyone prefers different things-- Because 99% of the preferences out there follow SOME sort of rule set. Screamo follows certain rules, Metal follows certain rules, Grunge, Rock, Blues, Jazz, Rap, 99% of the music out there follows some kind of rule-set. True atonality doesn't follow anything.

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