yeah but i got used to one i went to school with really ever liked me that much...
never fully understood why. but i got used to having like 2 friends. whom i pretty much dont really even talk to now...we used to sit at lunch and not eat and just play poker, black jack, go fish, and we made up a few games as we went (i was the one who supplied the cards for our games)
yeah totally agree with that.
hmm learning something new everyday haha
yeah i know...
well she already knows im there for her no matter what.
just wish i could...ya know actually "be there" for her...
but if i could id do whatever i could possibly do for her
and plus i tell her all the time i want to be with her for as long as humanly possible and be there for her no matter what. along with telling her how much i love her and how much i miss her even when we're not able to talk for even just a few minutes :)
seriously she means everything to me
and without her i dont know what id do...
well its just "parent" for me
my mom and dad divorced like 6 years ago or something like that...
its only the second time its happened with my heart
any other time its just my stomach. but its fine. it usually goes away relatively soon...
then again my entire body always hurts...
my knees are all kinds of screwed up (thanks to this jackass who tripped me in auto class and caused me to fly like 20 feet and smash my knees into solid cement and caused them to bleed profusely and i just ended up walking it off) my left shoulder is messed up, my back hurts a bit at times, and a bunch of other stuff. and my dad always gets mad at me because i "walk too slow" well no shit im going to walk slow if my knees are messed up. hell ive even told him about this stuff before and he pretty much just shrugged it off. thats why i tend to not tell people anything about me being in pain or being sick or anything.
seriously the only people i tell are kupia and whoever i feel should know on here. and thats it.
and it slowly started to go away after the first 45 minutes and was almost completely away after 2 hours.
Sorry to hear about the divorce and the assholes in school (either one of my parents would've sued the shit out of the school, and they don't like lawyers or scamming the system a bit).
I don't think parents realize how hazardous our world is now, compared to when they were kids. Older people just block it out and things get worse.
Not complaining is called being "stoic". I wish I could help. Welfare and Medicaid can help, but... they're only for the "professional poor". Still, maybe Medicaid can help. You have to try and get help or at least answers on how to prevent attacks like this. Out of respect for Kupia's faith in you, you should try to be there for her, for as long as possible.